News: The website has been updated...

The website has been updated! New pages!

So, since this is the first update, I'll explain briefly how I'll do updates. Whenever new content is added to the site, I will put out an update post. If its a small change, or possibly a secret change, I won't put an update post. Also I might not put out an update post if I don't feel like it.

I have updated the website and added some new stuff. Updates page (The one you are currently reading.), and a misc page. I also fixed the size of the button gifs so they take up less space now. (They were upscaled by 800% before...) The misc page will have literally whatever I feel like putting there.

Also just a fun general thing, I'm trying out using markdown and then converting that to HTML, since I absolutely HATE writing html in a text editor. Also this allows me to actually use spell check because I suck at spelling.

Most pages are still a WIP, so hopefully I can have more to show the next update!